0 1125


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            function changeAllColor(arr, opacity) {
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            // Point class
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            //for diffuse animation (Wave class)
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            // Wave class
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            //Create a ripple effect
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            //Clear this effect
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            //Create link effect
            Line.prototype.bulid = function (step) {
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                var tempCoordinate = {
                    x: this.beginPoint.x,
                    y: this.beginPoint.y
                var speed = getSpeed(this.beginPoint, this.endPoint, step);

                //step by step to draw line, wave too.
                var drawRun = function () {
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                    tempCoordinate.x += speed.X;
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                    if (progress <= step) {
                        this.requestID = requestAnimationFrame(drawRun);

                return drawRun;
            //Clear this effect
            Line.prototype.clear = function () {
                //this.progress = 100000000;
                //setTimeout(function () {
                //}.bind(this), 17.7);
                this.line.setAttribute('x2', this.beginPoint.x);
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            //All Line function
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            function clearAllLine(lines) {
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            //Create polygon area according to the point
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                return polygon;

            //draw all points ,lines...
            function drawAll(pointArr, textArr, time) {
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                                EventUtil.addHandler(textArr[i][j].a, 'mouseover', function () {
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                                    drawAllLine(lines, time);
                                EventUtil.addHandler(textArr[i][j].a, 'mouseout', function () {
                                    if (i != 0) {

                        EventUtil.addHandler(pointArr[i].circle, 'mouseover', function () {
                            wave.gradual(pointArr[i].x, pointArr[i].y, i == 0 ? pointArr[i].r * 10 : pointArr[i].r * 8, 70);
                            changeAllColor(pointArr, 0.8);
                            drawAllLine(lines, time);
                        EventUtil.addHandler(pointArr[i].circle, 'mouseout', function () {
                            changeAllColor(pointArr, 0.4);


                EventUtil.addHandler(polygon, 'mouseover', function () {
                    drawAllLine(lines, time);
                    changeAllColor(pointArr, 0.8);
                    wave.gradual(pointArr[0].x, pointArr[0].y, pointArr[0].r * 10, 80);
                EventUtil.addHandler(polygon, 'mouseout', function () {
                    changeAllColor(pointArr, 0.4);

            function configToObjectAndDraw(configObj) {
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                        for (var o = 0; o < pointTexts.length; o++) {
                            if (isRelative) {
                                text = new Text(mainPoint.x + otherPoints[i].x + pointTexts[o].offsetX, mainPoint.y + otherPoints[i].y + pointTexts[o].offsetY,
            otherSize, otherTextColor, fontFamily, pointTexts[o].value, pointTexts[o].href, target);
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            otherSize, otherTextColor, fontFamily, pointTexts[o].value, pointTexts[o].href, target);


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[来源] https://www.qdfuns.com
[声明] 本站资源来自用户分享,如损害你的权益请联系客服QQ:120074275给予处理。
小鱼儿 等级:一段